At first, I was upset to find my drink of choice skewered at
WaiterRant.net. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a Sidecar. Actually, let me clarify, there is nothing wrong with wanting to order a Sidecar—what you actually get is another story.
I rarely order Sidecars anymore. It’s been my experience that most bartenders are only familiar with the bartending quick start guide, which limits its pages to trendy drinks like Cosmos, Lemon Drops and the proper way to serve a Bud Light. Whatever else is in there, it certainly doesn’t inform these sultans of swill that fresh lemon juice and sweet-and-sour mix are not the same thing.
If I am to believe
WaiterRant.net, It’s a good thing that I’ve largely stopped ordering the Sidecar. According to his recent post, imbibers of this tasty concoction haven’t gotten any action since 1932. I beg to differ. I don’t like to have to beg, but sometimes it’s necessary.
Upon reading this slight on my favorite cocktail, I shrugged the criticism off as coming from someone who is incapable of appreciating a good drink. However, as I spied another favorite drink from the list, I thought maybe I did have a problem. Apparently, most people who enjoy sweet vermouth on the rocks were born in the 1800s. In my defense, I picked it up while living in England – and who's going to call the English stodgy or old fashioned?!
I begin to feel better when my friend
Doug’s drink of choice, the Manhattan, was also singled out for being enjoyed by an octogenarian clientele. Luckily, my attitude was lifted when I noticed praise for some other favorite drinks, like the Negroni, Vodka Martini and Mojito.
In the end, I stand by my drinks. Call me a fuddy-duddy if you like, but I enjoy a good Sidecar.
(For the record, a good Sidecar should consist of a fine brandy or cognac, Cointreau and fresh lemon juice. A sugar rim can cut the tart for those so inclined. )